
I have high hopes for today but have woken feeling really tired (same as yesterday), the children seem to have picked up on this and are being extra difficult. My pregnancy is at week 30 now, so I guess I'll be feeling it a bit more from now on.
One of the girls needs some nice warm tracksuit pants, so I'll try to at least start on those today. I have 2 wee waldorfs waiting for their clothes and hair. I love to make them, they're so cute at 6 inches tall!
Not to mention my new fabric which is ironed and ready to go, I have ideas for cushions, journal covers, and too many other things to mention, certainly too many for 3.5 metres of fabric!
I think I can squeeze in some time for property perusing, last week husband and I looked together on at properties worth into the millions around Cape Otway. Ah well, its nice to dream.

While I'm here I'll remind you about the giveaway if you haven't entered already.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.
God bless.

1 comment:

Chrisy said...

Hope you're doing some weekend relaxin...I sometimes head over to for a dream...

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